And yes, there is a white gay porn star named Chris Rock. I have fixed the incorrect links by adding '(porn star)' to the name of the person linked from this page so that any article created would appear under the title, 'Chris Rock (porn star)'.People coming to this page are not doing so to read about college football players, US congressmen, British shopping centres ( Brent Cross) or Canadian electoral districts ( Brandon West), or for that matter, the refined iron product, Steel, or the meterological phenomenon, Storm. Most of the links went to people who are not porn stars, which is pretty useless. 23 Limited geographic scope / worldwide viewĬhris Rock? Although 'Rock' sounds just like a valid porn star name, was there really a porn actor with this stage name, or is it a joke aimed at the famous comedian?ġ2-: I've cleaned up the links on this page.19 Links to porn performer external personal sites?.18 Non-existing article links deletions.